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As the name suggests, Lamine thermal labels are the kind of labels that have thermal labels
Ribbon consumables are printed on without the need for heat.
Because of that they are used only in barcode printers, in tailors.
It is unwise to use any desktop with a laser printer. Lamine thermal labels are preferred because they are a long lasting variety of thermal labels and because they can be printed without the need for ribbons during printing.
Lamine (Top) On the surface of the thermal label is a protective layer on top of the thermal layer.
Because of this, Eco has a longer life than a thermal label. In adhesive, there is no difference in the thermal weight between the paper and the paper.
The abandonment is a protective surface.
Lamine thermal labels feature the characteristics of thermal labels; briefly affected by moisture, light and heat. (Eco is less affected than thermal label).
Sectors that use thermal labels generally prefer where these labels last for 3-6 months, while lamine thermal labels have a life span of 6-9 months.
The pressure on the laminating thermals, which complete this lifetime, flies day by day. You can extend this process without exposing it to light and heat. According to Eco thermal label, the price is 30% more.
Lamine Thermal Label Usage Areas;
It is mainly used in food sector. It is also a type of thermal label preferred by cargo companies.